Volunteer Application

* Required Fields
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Michigan One Community Credit Union volunteer. Applications are accepted at any time and are reviewed as volunteers are needed. Please complete the following information to be considered.
What services have you used at Michigan One Community Credit Union?

Do you possess the following?
M1 membership for at least one year.:
Willing to send and receive all M1 information by email and internet.:
Business, management or board/committee experience.:
At least 21 years old.:
Willing to commit to Credit Union participation and education.:
Have you ever been arrested or convicted of a crime?
Do you have any professional or personal relationship with, or are related to anyone who currently is an M1 Elected Official or employee?
Do you have any interest in, affiliation or association with any other financial institution (other than accounts, services or loans), such as serve as a board member, have investments, etc.:

Please complete the following sections. Type, write out or attached additional paper if needed.

Please read carefully
  • I certify that information contained in my application/resume is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
  • I authorize Michigan One Community Credit Union to collect information relative to my appointment or selection that may include but is not limited to prior employers, references, criminal record checks and credit information. I hereby release Michigan One Community Credit Union, as well as any of my former employers named, from all liability or any claims or damages in obtaining or furnishing said records.
  • I understand also that, if appointed or selected, I am required to abide by all rules and regulations of Michigan One Community Credit Union.
I Accept/Decline:
Security Code:


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